Binita and thakur met and they both can't keep the lust in control despite having new relation (oil massage)

With his back to the young girl, Thakur had no way of knowing that it was his daughter-in-law who had come in with the hair oil. She was unsure of touching him, knowing the inflammatory chemistry they had shared on their previous close encounter. She tipped the bowl of oil over allowing the hair to be soaked and the oil to run down the back of his neck and his forehead.

Instinctively she put out her hand and her thumbnail caught the trail of oil. The touch of that finger on his skin did not go unnoticed by the Thakur. Reaching behind him, still unable to see who the person was, he grabbed the hands and directed them to his hair, indicating that he wanted the massaging of his head to start.

Binita dug her fingers into the thick hair and rubbed in the oil. She was holding her breath as she felt him, her fingers alive to the memory of his hard and demanding body. She had been a virgin that day when they took each other. Now she had experienced one other man, Thakur Hari Singh's son, her new husband. The son was no match for the father. Neither in how he was endowed, nor in his experience or skill. What is more, the old man had the stamina of a bull, while the son was easily spent, and still more easily exhausted.

As Thakur held those hands he could not help notice that the skin was soft and tender, unlike the coarse hands of the women that worked in the household and farms. "A new one," he wondered. And while he had only a few minutes before ejaculated in massive spurts, he was not averse to assessing the new one, even if that meant attending to her some other time.

Binita rubbed the oil and her hands ran down the back of his neck periodically to catch the oil running down. As she did so, she caressed the well rounded strong shoulders of her father-in-law. She had clung on to those shoulders when he had lifted her off the trunk of the mango tree that wild night. Her father-in-law reached up and behind to touch and feel her arms and he felt a tingle rush through him as he felt the soft and tender arms of his daughter-in-law.

She leaned forward and she could see below between his legs his cock. She was surprised to see that if was still half erect and a trail of fluid streaked downward from his cock. He was either in the last throes of his last orgasm or in a semi --aroused state.

"Are you new here?" Thakur asked, unable to overcome his curiosity about the 'new' helping hand.

"Yes, Babuji, it is I," she replied.

Hari Singh half turned to look up as he recognised the voice. His heart leaped in delight as he noted it was Binita. He spontaneously smiled at her. Quickly, he made sure that his garment covered his loins. She smiled back and with a new vigor started to rub the oil into his scalp.

"Why are you getting your hands dirty?" he asked, closing his eyes and absorbing the sensations of her touch.

"Hands can always be washed," she replied. "Perhaps I will not get a chance to serve you this well very often." Her eyes were riveted on his nipples which seemed to be alert and stiff at attention.


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Writting hardcore romance with dark twisted pleasure giving plots and lots of smut smut smut😘